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In 2019, the CZU August Lightning Complex fire in Santa Cruz County raged through Big Basin Redwoods State Park, the oldest state park in California. It was a wake-up call: even the foggy coast is prone to wildfires. The blaze burned to the beach. Flying embers can ignite dry mulch and landscaping, drawing fires closer to homes. Select landscape plants that will slow the spread of fire and create defensible space around your home.

Fire Resistant Title Image
Red House Icon Image

Maintenance is the most important factor in creating a defensible space around your home. All woody and dry plants must be trimmed or removed to reduce the potential for fire. Avoid wood bark that can dry and become flammable.

Simple house with trees and bushes
Red Leaf Icon Image

There are no "fire-proof" plants, but plants with thick leaves and a high moisture content will tend to wither and wilt in a fire, rather than burn. Succulents are beautiful, drought-tolerant, and slow the burn. Avoid plants with resin like Pines, Eucalyptus, and Rosemary - Resinous plants can ignite in a fire. For trees plant hardwoods.

Plants that will wilt in a fire
Red Fire Icon Image

Create fire-resistant zones with stone walls, patios decks and roadways. Use ground covers around the home that won't ignite from flying embers. Rock is a decorative ground cover that is easily "swept"with a leaf blower to remove dry debris. Beneath the rock use a nonflammable weed block to reduce maintenance. Nylon or plastic weedblocks melt in heat, and do not cause fire to spread.

Simple house, without vegetation surrounding it
Scissors cutting a branch


Maintenance is the most important factor in creating a defensible space around your home. All woody and dry plants must be trimmed or removed to reduce the potential for fire.

Image of Ground Cover


Use ground covers around the home that won't ignite from flying embers. Avoid wood bark that can dry and become flammable. Rock is a decorative ground cover that is easily maintained and beneath use a nylon or other non-flammable weed block. Nylon or plastic weedblocks that melt in heat do not cause fire to spread.

Image of House with a walled perimeter


Maintenance is the most important factor in creating a defensible space around your home. All woody and dry plants must be trimmed or removed to reduce the potential for fire.

Image of 3 types of plants in their pots


Maintenance is the most important factor in creating a defensible space around your home. All woody and dry plants must be trimmed or removed to reduce the potential for fire.

An open branch dripping resin


Maintenance is the most important factor in creating a defensible space around your home. All woody and dry plants must be trimmed or removed to reduce the potential for fire.

Image of a tree


Maintenance is the most important factor in creating a defensible space around your home. All woody and dry plants must be trimmed or removed to reduce the potential for fire.

Image of Plant species Leucospurnum pincushionImage of Plant species Yellow pincusionImage of Plant species Leucospurnum cordifoliumImage of Plant species Protea laurifoliaImage of Plant species Protea magnificaImage of Plant species Leucospurnum pincushionImage of Plant species Yellow pincusionImage of Plant species Leucospurnum cordifoliumImage of Plant species Protea laurifoliaImage of Plant species Protea magnifica